Monday, March 14, 2011

First walk of the season

On Saturday the weather was actually kind of warm, so we decided to investigate the situation with Muskrat Cove, a trail that runs along the Bronx River near our apartment. It had been Dave's favorite jogging spot last summer but then it was covered in snow for a few months. Plus, someone had set up camp under this overpass, and it was kind of like running through someone's living room.

The snow and the tenant were gone, but due to excessive rain and flooding last week, the paved path looked a little like the bottom of a river in some parts.

This graffiti looks fresh. I like it.

I took more or less the same photo last time we were there but it still looks cool.

Not sure why, but I also took a lot of pictures of trash caught in tree branches.

I think there's actually more trash than tree in this one.

Someone spraypainted this sign solid pink.

I have no idea what this means but it's stenciled on the ground near the entrance.

Anyway, it was a pretty short walk but it was nice to get back outside—can't wait for more!

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