I'm not very good at making beds, hence the wrinkliness. I've always liked the Warhol gun print so I bought a reproduction poster of it to frame.
We bought the bench at an antique store not far from our house and reupholstered the cushions (they were previously a crazy, hideous plaid--think yellow, red, orange, and blue itchy-looking fabric). It was our first attempt at something like that, and it came out pretty well, though certainly not perfect if you look closely. The best part about the bench is that the cushion comes off for storage underneath.
We're suckers for stuffed animals, so we have a lot of them. We have a particular penchant for aquatic creatures, so we have the sting ray, the lobster, three penguins, and a few others not pictured, as well as the mayor from Nightmare Before Christmas (his head turns around to reveal two different faces), an Edward Gorey cat, an Ugly Doll, and a sock monkey (handmade by some lady who sold him on eBay). Above them are the letterpress calendar and tray, which have been previously discussed here.
The squiggle red rug comes from Target. I couldn't resist including my slippers in there too.
A closer look at the Gills and the rock that they refuse to swim through, even though I think it would be pretty fun for them. Aren't they cute?
I stuck these vintage reproduction shadow puppet thingies (I don't know what to call them, really) above the closet door.
A wider view.
There are more hanging above the other closet door too (sorry for the series of similar photos, I couldn't get one that showed the whole wall).
These two pieces of furniture are on the list to replace, particularly the bookcase. I recently reorganized the books by color, which I'd seen done a few times but always thought was a little silly. I decided to give it a try though, and separated the brightly colored sections with groups of white or neutral colors, which I think successfully combated the rainbow effect. Above it is a silkscreened poster from when the Japanese band DSB played a few shows on the East Coast (which is when Dave and I started dating...aww!). Dave actually took the photo used to silkscreen the poster. Also hanging are some Gwen Frostic cards that I arranged inside a large frame, and some postcards of Cindy Sherman and William Eggleston photos that I like.
A closeup of some books. My mom bought the cat for me in Italy. Not sure what the pottery-looking thing is from.
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